22SSAW「肉身以內」個展將呈現 『偽超現實』的生命經驗,透過金屬堅硬卻更具韌性的材質,探討生命、肉身、形體消亡後的精神所在。創作者相信,只要本質的精神不變,靈魂終究不會消亡,就能超越形體的限制,而產生新的意義。柔軟與堅硬,傳統與現代,科幻與現實,超現實與偽超現實的界線,都將揉和為一體,以此回應Dadiogaosai賦予物件新生的品牌核心。
From its emergence in 2019, the brand has consistently developed the ‘Heavenly Fragrance’ and ‘Springtime Dream’ series of products. Both series have progressed by deconstructing and inverting the properties of materials, reversing the established forms of expression of traditional crafts. Setting out from a female creator’s way of thinking, they apply the proportions of rope knots to liberate the body from the constrictions of traditional corsetry and reveal the contours and beauty of the female form, imparting an implication of ‘female body sovereignty.’